We're kicking off the keynote with Saul Griffith talking about Energy Literacy. He's going to try and lay out a logic approach about how much green energy you need to substitute for non green to stabilise climate change.
He's talking through the models, and the best case model he's examining is 2C. So far his talk is a cut down version of Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth, except that he's pitching that we have to decide what the stable level of CO2 in the atmosphere actually is...
...you need to choose the temperature at which you want to stabilise the Earth.
He's mapping what the 'acceptable' levels of carbon in the atmosphere is to the amount of power we can generate using different methods. From 1980 we went from 95TW to just over 15TW in 2005. Now he's talking through his personal energy budget, and it's fairly interesting to see how he's going about that. He's even go so far to calcuate his share of the US government energy expenditure.
Oh that's interesting, the average US citizen uses 11.5kW, while the average European uses 5.5kW. I hadn't realised it was that big a difference. He's managed to reduce his impact from around 13kW down to 2.9kW per year.
Now he's talking through what it means to build a sustainable power production infrastructure over the next 25 years. We need 11TW of new sources, we've managed 6.5TW over the last 25 years. But the hardest thing we need to do is probably going to be turning off 9.5TW of old sources over the same time scale.
Update: Next up is Your Phone is Your Controller given by Jury Hahn and Dan Albritton. They're talking about real time games, and how to make digital signage interactive.

I think thry're pretty brave they're doing a live demo here, with the audience as players on their own cell phones. Currently they've got 115 people registered on a game they've never had more than 20 players testing before.
This is the part where I don't know if it's going to work...
Oh this is great they've got people wandering around the room making animal noises looking for 'team mates'.
Hey it worked!
Update: Next up is Information Visualization is a Medium by Eric Rodenbeck.

He's showing a number of different types of visualisations, and how you can play with data. It's interesting, but not bloggable. Hopefully O'Reilly will put video of the keynotes presentations online and I can insert it in here later...
...first you freak them out, then they ignore you, then you win.
Update: Next up is Project Darkstar by Chris Melissinos from Sun Microsystems. Apparently he's Sun's chief gaming officer. Sun has a chief gaming officer?

Update: The final keynote is a change ot the programmes, we're talking about Social Encounters between the Physical and Digital by Elizabeth Churchill.

She's talking about using shared physical displays linked to a shared online space. The question is why not jut use just the shared online spaces? She's arguing that these simply aren't as efficient. That people don't use them to their full potential. Having been involved with lots of distributed projects over the years, and used lots of online collaboration tools. I have to agree, but I'm not entirely convinced that adding shared displays is going to solve what are pretty fundamental problems with online collaboration. Some of the stuff she's talking about, feeding back video clips of people touching posted content back to the original poster, seems rather strange to me.
...and we're done.
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