However this week also marked the beginning of this year's trek around the globe as I'll be in the UK for only two weeks between now and the middle of July. Looking at my schedule I think I end up crossing the Atlantic eight times, and travelling a respectable 40 or 50 thousand miles between now and then...
I'm currently en route to the States and holed up in the Red Carpet Club at Heathrow waiting to board UA 955 to SFO where I transfer onto a puddle jumper into Tucson. Funnily enough, so soon after my last trip, this is giving me a case of acute déjà vu...
Update: Sitting in the Red Carpet Club at SFO which at least has a view of the gate area around Terminal 3, and the runways. I've got a couple of hours to kill here before I catch my onward flight to Tucson, and it's going to be a struggle to try and stay awake long enough to catch it, more free coffee...

The view from SFO's red Carpet Club
Update: Arriving into Tucson, and despite the GPS in the rental car, or maybe because of it, I got lost on the way to my hotel and ended up going around in what turned out to be a gradually reducing spiral towards the hotel rather than taking a direct route. My only excuse, it was dark, and I was tired. Or is that two excuses? Anyway, it's definitely time for bed...
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