At 05:52
UT Jul 4 (22:52
PDT Jul 3rd at
JPL), the 372 kg
impactor released from
Deep Impact probe successfully smashed into Comet
9P/Tempel 1...
A view from JPL of the Deep Impact's flyby showing the impactor colliding with comet 9P/Tempel 1. (22:52 PDT, July 3)Update: Post-impact images are
starting to come in from the ground based observatories, and from the spacecraft itself...
The Faulkes Telescope North can clearly see the expanding ejecta in the coma. Above is an image obtained by dividing an R-band image obtained at 08:35 UT by an earlier one taken at 06:24 UT. Positive (bright) pixels show the enhancement in R-band brightness in the inner coma at 08:35 UT. Image size is 85×62 arcsec, the apparent enhancement has a maximum brightness 2.5 arcsec from the center of the comet. |
Update: The International Herald Tribune has some
local colour from out here in Hawaii, while the New Scientist takes a more
in-depth look at the impact.
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