On the first day there were over thirty 10 to 20 minute talks scheduled. Like a lot of people I thought this was total madness and we'd be running hours late by lunch time. Suprisingly perhaps, we weren't! There were several good talks, especially interesting was Giuseppe Longo's talk about neural tools for data mining in massive datasets and Norman Gray's talk on intelligent access to foreign data.

Snow, in Cambridge, in November? Most odd!
The second day was dedicated to workshops to discuss the previous days presentations, and where the VOTech project should be heading. The three eSTAR talks the day before had certainly attracted a lot of attention. So despite feeling that at times I was saying the word "agent" every second sentence, I spent the day waving my hands and explaining agent architectures.
For those of you looking for a good background book on agent architectures, I'd point you towards one of my earlier posts.
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